  Public Ticket #2775130
Order Printer: Shopify Support


  • Cory Watson started the conversation


    I have gone to multiple community pages over this question and it has not been answered properly by Shopify, I then asked their support team and they did not assist me at all and instead told me this is where I could get support for this issue.

    We are attempting to print out the Total Order Weight inside of the Order Printer app. So far I have tried these two code sections without them working, I would love to know if I am doing something wrong. Every product and variant has a weight on our website yet I can't pull them correctly.

    {% assign: total_weight = 0.000 %} {% for line in line_items %} {% assign total_weight = total_weight | plus: line.quantity | times: line.grams %} {% endfor %}

    {{ total_weight }} grams


    {% assign order_total_weight = 0 %} {% assign order_total_items = 0 %} {% for line in line_items %} {% assign line_weight = line.weight | times: line.quantity %} {% assign order_total_weight = order_total_weight | plus: line_weight %} {% assign order_total_items = order_total_items | plus: line.quantity %} {% endfor %}

    {{ order_total_weight | weight_with_unit }}


    Neither of these have worked correctly, I would love to have any help from your development team in relation to this Order Printer HTML. Once again, all we want is to print out the total weight (preferably in oz, as it is entered into Shopify) for each order.

  •  634
    Irina replied

    Hello, Cory.

    Unfortunately, custom code changes are not included in the general theme support.

    If you have issues with app installation or app usage please contact the app's support first.

    If app support has questions about theme files, he or she can email questions to [email protected]


    Have a nice day!

    Best regards, Irina

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  • Cory Watson replied

    Thank you Irina, sadly you did not actually read over my question at all. 

    I am not asking for custom code changes, that has nothing at all to do with what I am discussing.

    Themes have specific variables they use to call things, I need to know these variables to use a Shopify app called Order Printer. 

    Please escalate this to someone that knows what I am talking about.

    Also, I've spoken to Shopify directly about the app and the specifically told me to come here for support. (Which I already mentioned, which tells me you didn't actually read my question at all)

    Why would I email that and not get a response publicly for others to utilize right here?

  •  196
    Mari replied

    Hi, Cory Watson,

    It looks like some misunderstanding. I checked the Order Printer app and didn't find it theme related.

    As far as I understand this app doesn't related to the online store theme. It used for back office tasks related to order management, that is pure Shopify feature and doesn't related to the online store theme. The app is also created by Shopify.

    The Order Printer app has internal template engine that allows you to modify the printing forms, it requires the knowledge of HTML and Liquid. If you don’t have experience with HTML or Liquid, Shopify Theme Support can assist with minor customizations. I believe you should contact the Shopify support and ask to help with Order Printer app templates.

    Unfortunately, customization service and teaching how to code are not included in the Shella theme support service. You may check the support policy here - https://themeforest.net/item/shella-ultimate-fashion-responsive-shopify-theme/22804833/support

    Stay safe and healthy.

    Best regards, Mari