  Public Ticket #1906196


  • Enrico started the conversation

    warning - template rookie here :-)

    I'm using "layout 4" for the product page. How can I re-organize the product page e.g. move product description further up (above the "add to cart" etc.) or move the "addthis" feature further up?

    Another thing is, I have different pricing depending on the shirt size and it seems like the price doesn´t change when I select 2XL or 3XL. 


  • [deleted] replied


    1) our theme has a functionality of switching between layouts and disable/enable each block on a product page. Unfortunately, any other changes according to moving/replacing blocks are beyond of scope of our free support and have to be done in the code.

    2) you have to set different prices to product variants in the such way - http://prntscr.com/momkm8

    If you still have problems, please, create staff account for me ([email protected]) I will review it at your store

  • Enrico replied

    Hi Zoja,

    thanks for your reply - I'll look into it.

  • [deleted] replied

    ok, good luck with your site